When I was a kid, my brother and I used to get new games for our Apple IIgs knock-off computer by magazine. That's right. The code would be in the magazine, and we'd do our best to type the whole thing in, line by line. Often times, the games were flawed, imperfect, didn't work... but also... customizable. So now, I give to you, a blast from the past, a copy and paste game for your favorite Python IDE.

All you need to do, is copy and paste this code, make sure to pip install anything you don't already have... then... make it better.

from graphics import *
import random
from english_words import english_words_set

notfiveletter = True
while notfiveletter:

word = random.choice(list(english_words_set))

if len(word) == 6 and word[0].islower():

notfiveletter = False

guess = ""

def row(num):
global win
global word
global guess
i = 0
while i < 6:
a = Circle(Point(30*i + 20, 30*num), 15)
g = 0 while g < 6: letter = win.getKey() if letter.islower(): le = Text(Point(30*g + 20, 30*num), letter) le.draw(win) guess += letter g+=1 elif letter == "BackSpace" and g > 0: le.undraw() guess = guess[:-1] g-=1 if guess == word: yay = Text(Point(240,50),"You Win!!!") yay.draw(win) i = 0 while i < 6: if guess[i] == word[i]: a = Circle(Point(30 * i + 20, 30 * num), 15) a.setFill("green") a.draw(win) le = Text(Point(30 * i + 20, 30 * num), guess[i]) le.draw(win) i+=1 else: i = 0 while i < 6: if guess[i] in word: a = Circle(Point(30 * i + 20, 30 * num), 15) a.setFill("yellow") a.draw(win) le = Text(Point(30 * i + 20, 30 * num), guess[i]) le.draw(win) i += 1 i = 0 while i < 6: if guess[i] == word[i]: a = Circle(Point(30 * i + 20, 30 * num), 15) a.setFill("green") a.draw(win) le = Text(Point(30 * i + 20, 30 * num), guess[i]) le.draw(win) i+=1 guess = "" if num == 8: lose_mess = Text(Point(280,100), (f"The word was: {word}")) lose_mess.draw(win) def main(): global win win = GraphWin("Wordl6", 400, 400) row(1) row(2) row(3) row(4) row(5) row(6) row(7) row(8) win.getMouse() # pause for click in window win.close() main()